2017年10月3日 星期二

Mid-Autumn Festival / 中秋節

The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. It's said the moon is the brightest and roundest on this day which means family reunion. An occasion for outdoor reunions among friends and relatives to eat mooncakes and watch the moon, lighting lanterns a symbol of harmony and unity. Due to ancient China's cultural influence, Mid-Autumn Festival spread to other parts of Asia.

中秋節是每年農歷第8個月中第15天的滿月之夜。相傳這一天的月亮是最亮最圓的, 寓意闔家團圓。親朋好友外出團聚一起吃月餅,賞月,點燈籠象徵著和諧統一。受古時中華文化的影響, 中秋節這個節日流傳至亞洲部份地區。

2017年10月2日 星期一

Snowy mooncake / 冰皮月餅

Snowy mooncakes are new style and non-baked mooncake originating from Hong Kong. Their crust is made of glutinous rice and they can be filled with a variety of things such as mung bean paste, fruit, jam, chocolate, coffee, cheese and other flavored fillings. Snowy mooncakes are also kept at a low temperature or frozen because of non-baked.

冰皮月餅是源自香港的新式而且不經烤焗的月餅。它們的表皮由糯米粉製成, 而餡料則是各式各樣, 例如綠豆蓉, 水果, 果醬, 巧克力, 咖啡, 芝士或其它別的種類也有。因為外皮也沒有經過高溫烤焗處理,所以在常溫下不易保存,必須保持低溫冷藏。

2017年10月1日 星期日

Mooncake / 月餅

Mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. A rich thick filling usually made from sweet bean paste / lotus seed paste/ five smashed nuts is surrounded by a thin (2–3 mm) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs. Mooncake is regarded as an indispensable delicacy which is offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival. Mooncake is round and can be shared to eat with family members, means having a family reunion in the mid-autumn festival, Nowadays, it is customary for businessmen and families to present them to their clients or relatives as presents.

月餅是中秋節的中式傳統糕點食品。通常由2-3毫米簿皮包裹豆沙/蓮蓉/五仁等餡料, 有些也加有咸鴨蛋。月餅被視為朋友或家人團聚慶祝中秋節時絕對不可缺少的糕點。它圓又圓,又是闔家分吃,象徵著團圓和睦。時至今天, 商人或家人會將月餅作為表達心意的禮物贈送給客戶或者親朋好友。

lotus seed paste & salted duck eggs mooncake

sweet bean paste mooncake
five smashed nuts mooncake

2017年9月22日 星期五

Blue and white porcelain / 青花瓷

Blue and white porcelain is a underglaze decoration which is originated from China to all around the world, it is often referred to as blue and white. It covers a wide range of white pottery and porcelain decorated under the glaze with a blue pigment, generally cobalt oxide. This porcelain is bright, shine, simple and generous, not only be the most influential porcelain before the industrialization, but also be regarded as the representative of the Chinese people's aesthetic concept.


Blue and white porcelain is blend into a famous oil painting of 16 Century : <<The Feast of the Gods>> . We can image that how popular was it.
16世紀名畫:<<諸神的盛宴>>, 畫中融入青花瓷元素, 可見其當時在歐洲非常流行。

2017年8月28日 星期一

Double Seventh Festival / 七夕

Double Seventh Festival (also called the Qixi Festival), is a Chinese festival that celebrates the annual meeting of the cowherd and weaver girl in Chinese mythology. It is Chinese Valentine’s Day which is falls on the seventh day of the seventh month on Chinese calendar. The It is originating from China, and it is celebrated in some Asia countries, e.g. Japan, Korea.

七夕(又叫七巧節)是中國為紀念傳說中牛郎織女每年一次在鵲橋重聚的節日。這個農歷七月七日的節日同時也是中國人的情人節。七夕是發源自中國, 現在亞洲部份國家也有慶祝這個節日. 例如日本, 韓國。

 China / 中國:

Japan / 日本:

Korea / 韓國:

2017年8月14日 星期一

Overglaze decoration & Underglaze decoration / 釉上彩 & 釉下彩

Overglaze decoration is a method of decorating porcelain, where the coloured decoration is applied after it has been glazed (fired at higher temperature). When the ware is re-fired (at lower temperature) then the colours fuse into the glaze and so the decoration becomes durable. It seems more bulge because of decoration on the glaze and more varied palette of colours is available than with underglaze decoration. 

Underglaze decoration is a method of decorating porcelain in which the decoration is applied to the surface before it is glazed. The glaze will subsequently cover the decoration so that it is completely durable. Moreover, this way allows the production of porcelain with a surface that has a uniform sheen.

釉上彩: 是指在高溫燒製過的瓷器釉面上彩繪紋飾,再經過第二次的低溫燒製而成。因為彩在釉上,摸上去有豐富的凹凸感,也是能容納豐富色釉的施彩工藝。

釉下彩: 釉下彩則是在成型的胎體上用色料繪畫,上釉後以高溫一次燒成瓷器的施彩工藝。其特點是彩在釉下,永不褪脫,光滑平整。

Overglaze decoration / 釉上彩:

Underglaze decoration / 釉下彩:

2017年8月8日 星期二

Porcelain / 瓷器

Porcelain is a glazing enamel or coloured painted ceramic material made by porcelain clay, generally including kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200°C and 1,400 °C. Porcelain is a treasure of Chinese civilization. It is crafts to involve practical and collection of value.


the celadon and white porcelains of Song dynasty

宋朝 青白瓷

2017年7月16日 星期日

Pottery / 陶器

Pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, originating before the Neolithic period.Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all the water from the clay. In ancient times, pottery is a kind of daily necessities. In modern times, it also can be a collection of handicrafts.


2017年6月22日 星期四

Ceramics / 陶瓷

Ceramics, also called china. The Chinese invented pottery as early as about 8000-2000 (Neolithic Age). Pottery is made from clay, and porcelain is made from porcelain clay. Ceramics are the general term for pottery and porcelain. All goods are made from these two raw materials, through the process included ingredients, molding, drying, roasting then can be called ceramics.

陶瓷,英语:Ceramics 或china。中国人早在约公元前8000-2000年(新石器时代)就发明了陶器。用陶土烧制的器皿叫陶器,用瓷土烧制的器皿叫瓷器。陶瓷则是陶器和瓷器的总称。凡是用陶土和瓷土这两种不同性质的粘土为原料,经过配料、成型、干燥、焙烧等工艺流程制成的器物都可以叫陶瓷。



2017年5月30日 星期二

Duanwu Festival(Dragon Boat Festival) / 端午節

The Duanwu Festival, also often known, especially in the West, as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional holiday originating in China, occurring near the summer solstice. The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar, which is the source of the festival's alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.
Two of the most widespread activities conducted during the Duanwu Festival are racing dragon boats , preparing & eating zongzi (Rice Dumplings).

端午節,在西方國家也知道這個節日(國際間英文通稱為龍舟節),是一個源於中國的傳統節日,時間與夏至接近。 節日現在定於中國農歷五月的第五天,這是另一名稱五五節的起源。

Mid-Autumn Festival / 中秋節

The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. It's said the moon is th...